Water It Down!

WaterWater is the plentiful substance in the body and has many benefits to your health. It is involved directly or indirectly in almost every function of the body and is a key component in the weight loss equation.
Studies have shown that consuming adequate amounts of water can help the body metabolized fat stores, while a decrease in water can actually can cause fat deposits to increase.

How does this happen? The kidneys are unable to work at full capacity if they are not getting enough water which can cause the liver to take on some of the load. One of the liver’s primary functions is to metabolize fat into a usable energy. If the liver is helping with kidney function it is unable to work at its full capacity therefore resulting in less metabolized fat stores. Less metabolized fat means more fat that stays stored in the body. Drink more water!

During the weight loss process the body tends to produce more waste. An increase in water intake can help relieve constipation and return normal bowel function while flushing additional waste. Drink more water! 

Many people also retain water do to a lack of water consumption or increased salt intake. If the body does not get enough water it responds by retaining as much water as it can. Water is stored in the body outside of the cell (extracellular space) which makes the body appear swollen or bloated and often shows up in the feet, legs and hands. The best way to overcome this is to simply drink plenty of water. It will essentially flush out the water your body is retaining. If you are retaining water do to an increased salt intake simply consume less salt and…………”drink more water”! 

Water also has many benefits for the skin. Water has a perfect PH (around 7.5 acid vs. alkaline) which help leave the skin clear, healthy and resilient.  

Drink about 8 glasses (2 quarts) of water per day and add a glass for every 25 pounds of excess weight you are trying to lose. Spread out your water intake over the course of the day. Increase your intake on hot days or times increased activity.

One last thing!  DRINK MORE WATER……………!

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